Tuesday, April 10, 2012


These little guys aren't always in stock, and it's sometimes a puzzle what to do with them. Raw, these red cabbage-y guys are BITTER. Like, WOW bitter.

But when you grill them, they turn nutty and yummy and wonderful. Give this a shot!

Cut the radicchio through the core so they leaves stay attached- I started out cutting it in quarters, but ended up cutting it into eighths so that more surface area would be on the grill.

I drizzled them with a little olive oil and sprinkled generously with salt and pepper and laid those babies on the grill over medium flame.  WATCH THEM! Like, don't walk away! It only take a couple minutes and they go from raw to charred very fast! Once they look brown-ish, flip 'em on the other side until their brown-ness matches.

Bring them inside, chop them up a little, and drizzle with a good balsamic vinagrette? vignegrette? vinegrette? vinaigrette (thanks, google!) dressing and a handful of fresh parmesan.

 This is my attempt at a super-arty close-up photo. Humor me.

The radicchio loses a lot of the bitterness and takes on a nice nutty flavor. The kids may not love this, but if you feel like being a super-sophisticated grownup, this is easy enough to try out!



1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I literally just saw those 2 days ago and thought "I wonder what those are and how you prepare them". Glad I didn't chop them up for slaw like I almost did...now I just need to bring the grill out for the season so I can try this!
